
Tuesday, December 15, 2023

All times in US Central Time (GMT-6)

0900 - 0915

Opening Remarks

0915 - 0945

Invited Talk - Leila Hashemi-Beni - Remote Sensing Data Science Harnessing for Flood Mapping and Impacts

Leila Hashemi-Beni

Associate Professor at North Carolina A&T (NCAT) State University

0945 - 1000

Spotlight - FloodBrain: Flood Disaster Reporting by Web-based Retrieval Augmented Generation with an LLM

Grace Colverd

1000 - 1030

Morning Break

1030 - 1100

Invited Talk - Jack Langerman - More Structured Structure from Motion - Semantically Meaningful Reconstruction from Ground Level Images

Jack Langerman

Applied Scientist & Sr. Computer Vision Engineer at Hover Inc.

1100 - 1115

Spotlight Talk - Leveraging AI for Natural Disaster Management: Takeaways From The Moroccan Earthquake

Lena Nehale Ezzine

1115 - 1130

Spotlight Talk - A Bayesian Probabilistic Model for Estimating Building Damage Distribution from Forecasts

Jeffrey Liu

1130 - 1215

RescueNet Challenge Summary + Q&A

1215 - 1330

Lunch Break

1330 - 1400

Invited Talk - Anna Sobiewska - FEMA Recovery GIS, Recovery Reporting and Analytics Division

Anna Sobiewska

Geospatial Analyst at Federal Emergency Management Agency

1400 - 1415

Spotlight Talk - Forecasting Post-Wildfire Vegetation Recovery in California using a Convolutional Long Short-Term Memory Tensor Regression Network 

Jiahe Liu

1415 - 1445

Invited Talk - Kevin Nida - Lessons Learned Operationalizing FirstNet

Kevin Nida

FirstNet Senior Public Safety Advisor

1445 - 1500

Spotlight Talk - Enabling Decision-Support Systems through Automated Cell Tower Detection 

Natasha T Krell

1500 - 1530

Afternoon Break

1530 - 1615

Panel Discussion - "A Research Roadmap for HADR"

1615 - 1630

Closing Remarks